RAIS Tools - an exhibitor at SUBCONTRACTING Fair 2023
We are manufacturer of high quality manual and pneumatic clamps, and manual rack presses. Our 40 years internship is a guarantee of high quality tools.

Limited liability company RAIS-TOOLS is present at Polish as at European market since 1982.
Since 1982 – as RAIS Narzędzia Mocujące Grzegorz Rais .
Since 2013 – as RAIS-TOOLS Limited liability company .
We are providing clamping tools as for distributors as for final recipients.
Our solutions are used at uncountable manufacturing applications as in our country as behind its borders.
We have well-established position at many industries, as: automotive, wood, plastics, welding and many others related industry branches.
Our tool offer is being fully completed by many companies that we are distributing for, as:
AMF – Germany ;
BESSEY – Germany ;
BRAUER – United Kingdom ;
IMAO – Japan ;
KOPAL – France .
In addition, we are offering services in the field of laser cutting and metal sheet bending. Our portfolio includes a laser cutter, press brakes, eccentric presses, milling machines and lathes.
Our Limited liability company RAIS-TOOLS implements and applies a Quality Managment System compliant with the requirements of ISO 9001, documented with relevant certificates [PN-EN ISO 9001: 2009] for years.
More: https://www.rais.pl/en/
The SUBCONTRACTING Industrial Cooperation Fair will be held on 30 May - 2 June 2022 on the grounds of Poznań International Fair. At the same time it will be possible to visit the exhibition: ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE, the Modernlog Logistics, Transport and Storage Fair and the BHP - Work Safety in Industry Exhibition.