A mine of knowledge and a comprehensive offer for the industry
The ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE, MODERNLOG, SUBCONTRACTING and the Work Safety in Industry Exhibition have the power of attraction. Industry leaders have already joined the group of exhibitors of the upcoming edition. The latest technologies for industry and logistics from 30 May to 2 June 2023 will again fill the halls of MTP Poznań Expo. There will be discussions about the challenges and ways to solve the current problems faced by production companies.
As part of the ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE exhibition, we are planning to set up a consultation point where advisors will provide information on support programmes for companies.
– The idea to create this place is mainly the result of our talks with exhibitors. Some enterprises planning to implement innovative solutions in their factories face the problem of finding funds for this purpose. Many programmes and grants are created, sometimes it is difficult to choose the right one for you. Advisors at the consultation point will help you make the right decision. It will also be the last 'stop' on thematic sightseeing paths, which we will reactivate in a modified form. The topics will concern selected issues related to production processes and logistics. The final point will be a consultation stand where participants will learn how to finance the processes learned along the 'path' – announces Anna Lemańska-Kramer, Director of the ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE Fair.
During the next edition of the event, strong emphasis will be placed on the activities of institutions operating in the field of industry 4.0. It will be an opportunity to talk with scientists about current projects with a practical dimension.
– It will be a real mine of knowledge for production companies. I hope that our fair will allow us to implement many initiatives. We plan to strongly develop the conference programme, so in the next edition there will be many debates and expert lectures. We focus on practice, we will show examples of successful implementations of the latest technologies – adds Anna Lemańska-Kramer.
Although there are still a few months left to the ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE fair, the exhibition space has already been largely booked.
– We appreciate that our exhibitors treat their presence at the ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE fair as a 'must' and put it in their business calendar, recommending participation in the event also to other companies. Already today we can proudly say that participation in ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE 2023 has been announced by leaders such as: AMADA, DIG ŚWITAŁA, DMG MORI POLSKA, FANUC POLSKA, HIGH TECHNOLOGY MACHINES, KIMLA, MACHINE TOOLS INTERNATIONAL, MITUTOYO POLSKA, TRUMPF POLSKA, YAMAZAKI MAZAK CENTRAL EUROPE. The list of companies registering for participation in the fair is gradually supplemented, so I encourage you to check it in our website. We are glad that at this stage of work on the project we can confidently say: This edition looks really promising – says the Director of the ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE Fair.
Industrial Cooperation
The ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE fair will traditionally be accompanied by the SUBCONTRACTING Industrial Cooperation Fair. It is a place for establishing contacts and arranging meetings between subcontractors from the metalworking industry and broadly understood industrial services,
and companies looking for such contractors. For the convenience of initiating such activities, the Subcontracting Meetings platform has already been launched. You just need to register, select your area of activity, briefly describe the demand or the presented product or service, and in the next stage, a few weeks before the fair, invite partners to meetings.
The co-organiser of the Subcontracting Meetings is the Poznań Science and Technology Park representing the European Enterprise Network.
The Subcontracting Fair is not only cooperation meetings, but also an overview of the offers of subcontractors from the processing industries dealing with: metals, plastics, rubber and composites. There will also be companies offering machines, technologies and services for the industry.
– Talks with partners are already underway to ensure a programme of events interesting for both buyers and subcontractors. We plan to address the subject of interrupted supply chains, negotiation techniques and networking optimisation. We are in the middle of talks with experts who will tell participants how to obtain funds and grants for R&D, green and digital transformation of enterprises, internationalisation and improving competences. Our project is strongly based on cooperation with clusters and this edition will answer the question why clusters can be a recipe for a crisis – announces Robert Męcina, Director of the SUBCONTRACTING Fair.
Logistics at MODERNLOG
ITM Industry Europe is accompanied by one of the most important meetings of the logistics industry in Poland, i.e. the MODERNLOG Trade Fair of Logistics, Transport and Storage. Every year, this event attracts employees of distribution centres, warehouse managers and heads of supply chains who are looking not only for inspiration, but also for specific technological solutions. It is here that you can get acquainted with the wide range of modern solutions offered by manufacturers, but also meet system integrators or check the offer of their distributors.
The programme of the MODERNLOG fair also includes substantive meetings and discussions, especially the Smart Warehouse conference where experts from well-known brands share their knowledge. Practitioners who have already made their first investments in logistics 4.0 solutions talk about their experiences in automating and robotiing warehouse processes. They talk both about the beginnings of their path with automation and give tips to optimise the work of existing systems.
This year, there will also be live machine shows in the In4Log zone, which is organised in cooperation with Medialog Publishing House and a wide range of technological partners.
Work Safety in Industry
Interesting conferences and lectures organised by the most important institutions dealing with the subject of occupational safety and health in Poland, as well as interesting products and solutions in this field – this is what the Work Safety in Industry Exhibition promises to be. The next edition of the Exhibition is part of the ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE Fair.
Exhibitors at the Work Safety in Industry exhibition, which is organised in odd-numbered years alternately with the SAWO International Fair of Work Protection, Fire-Fighting and Rescue Equipment Fair, will present personal and collective protection equipment, protection equipment against falls from height, as well as first aid measures and equipment and solutions for safe work in the warehouse.